01 May Is a Lack of Emotional Intelligence in Your Management Team Hurting Your Business Growth?
A recent article in Inc. Magazine explains why emotional intelligence (E-IQ) is such a critical factor in identifying and managing high performing talent. Do you have a firm grasp of where your talent base is in relation to E-IQ?
The concept of emotional intelligence (E-IQ) is the ability to identify emotions (in both oneself and others), to recognize the powerful effects of those emotions, and to use that information to inform and guide one’s behavior. Companies with leaders who have high E-IQ tend to be more successful, more profitable and have higher retention rates.
Today talent has become one of, if not the most critical factor to success. In this ‘talent short’ market, talent management is a prime differentiator. Relying on basic statistics for managing talent is simply not adequate. While cognitive intelligence is important, E-IQ plays an integral role in developing strategies for tapping and developing current and future business leaders.
So, what traits do you look for in a person with high E-IQ?
Here are four characteristics that indicate an individual’s high emotional intelligence:
- They know themselves
- They are transparent and speak the truth
- They connect and are tuned in
- They are composed and collected
While emotional intelligence isn’t as straightforward as other leadership skills such as strategic thinking or vision, it can be cultivated if a person is willing to be vulnerable in addressing their own motivators and how those motivators affect their leadership and communication with others.
Predictive Index® (PI), is a proven methodology used for talent optimization – it’s a critical compliment to your hiring and retention process. When you utilize PI, you get a detailed understanding of what drives and motivates people as well as indicators on how to develop E-IQ within your team based on leveraging those drives and motivations. The PI assessment provides awareness in areas for improvement and reveals where an individual can build on their strengths.
Predictive Index can provide insight into two very important factors that lead to heightened E-IQ -– Self-Regard and Self-Awareness.
How PI Addresses Self-Regard
Inc. Magazine defines self-regard as respecting yourself, having confidence in your abilities, and believing in your own self-worth and inherent value. High self-regard means you have courage and confidence to take on new challenges. This also means you can lead and influence others because you’re secure and accepting of who you are. PI measures where a person draws their confidence which is critical in building self-regard as well as navigating what type of role that person is well suited for in the organization. For example, if a person draws their confidence from building precision and structure, they may not be ideally suited for a leadership role that is newly created and has no road map to follow. PI allows an organization to “stack the deck” in building teams by setting people up for success by ensuring they are wired to fit what the role requires, thereby allowing them to naturally build self-regard.
How PI Addresses Self-Awareness
Inc. Magazine defines self-awareness as recognizing your personality and temperament, knowing how your behavior is received by others, and being aware of your own motives, beliefs, values, and feelings.
Without self-awareness, it’s impossible to influence or lead others. Self-aware individuals understand how their words may be received by others, so they are thoughtful in how they communicate their ideas and opinions. PI measures needs and drives and by understanding those a person can become more self-aware. And understanding your employees’ needs and drives can greatly affect the team you place them in and how you can provide feedback. For example, if an employee has a high need to tell people what to do and their colleagues or team prefer to work in a collaborative environment, they can be coached to use “selling” rather than “telling” techniques which will produce happier, more engaged teams and ultimately better results.
Using Predictive Index you can take a behavioral assessment to better understand your natural behavioral drives. Click here to dive a little deeper into these valuable traits.
Achieving Talent Optimization with Talent Suite
With a better understanding of employees’ needs and drives, businesses save valuable time and money. When the right person is placed in a role in which they can own, enjoy, and thrive for the long-term, both the company and the employee benefit.
Talent Suite uses PI to help guide employee development and identify leaders. This scientifically proven method helps our clients build high performing teams comprised of the best people in the right job.
Talent Suite’s diverse range of coaching and training leadership programs help organizations nurture and grow their existing talent, keeping them on board, while bringing in new talent for developing opportunities.
Learn more about PI, a trusted, data-driven, scientifically-proven methodology.
The Talent Suite approach is Talent Optimization, a four-part discipline that aligns your business strategy with your people strategy. The process is to diagnose, design, hire, and inspire. This is accomplished with the scientifically proven methodology called Predictive Index. It’s better than a roadmap. It’s more like GPS for talent optimization.
Talent Suite has a consultative, customized, and measurable approach to optimize talent that will result in maximized employee engagement and performance. Focused training will integrate and elevate your existing talent and strengthen leadership.
Talent Suite will help you:
– build a foundation rooted in awareness and mindful practices
– integrate new learnings about human behavior and motivations
– elevate your leadership to increase retention and sustain high performance
Talent Suite also provides individual and group coaching which reinforces values within the culture, instills better decision making, establishes trust within teams, develops effective communication, and creates a measurable competitive advantage.
Within the current global business environment, organizations cannot afford to lose the quality talent they have trained and nurtured. New methods of training and coaching will ensure the value of existing talent. And, as the ‘Boomer’ generation retires in greater numbers, there are too few Gen-Xers equipped to step into the vacancies of leadership.
That leaves the Millennials to carry on. Preparing new leaders for the challenges ahead is an important task, and one that Talent Suite is committed to helping business leaders successfully navigate.
If you would like to know more about Talent Suite and experience the power of the Predictive Index, we are happy to provide a complimentary Behavioral Assessment that takes an average of 6 minutes to complete!
Coming up…
Watch for our upcoming blogs where we will take a deeper dive into Talent Suite’s business case studies showing the value of Talent Optimization.