Candidate Interview Modeling

An Efficient, Data-driven Approach to Interviewing Top Talent

How will a candidate perform in the position? How do you uncover problem-solving skills, reactions to unpredictable circumstances, and numerous other key behavioral drivers that could make the candidate successful or unsuccessful in the role? How can you ensure consistency across the interviewing process?


We construct and design an interview process for our clients that make it efficient and effective for all involved. We create a model to help our client’s diverse interview teams easily navigate and then measure the interviews to objectively review each candidate and make a selection. We also provide the option to combine the process with data from the Predictive Index, which layers on further knowledge to improve the interviewing process.

With specific behavioral questions, we provide a structure for the interviewers who may have different communication styles. That way, the interview panel is operating on consistent information to compare each potential hire and easily come to a consensus on the top candidate.


We provide a contemporary model that takes away the traditional subjectivity of the candidate interviewing process and transforms it with proven methods that bring objectivity to the experience. The outcome provides a constant to the process, that helps teams align on the right candidate for the role – saving everyone time and money.

The head, the heart and the briefcase.

It’s important to remember that the whole person shows up at work.

[modal_popup_box btnalign=”center” border=”0px solid #444444″ titletext=”The head, the heart and the briefcase.” btntext=”More Info” btnclr=”#444444″ btnbg=”#ffffff”]People are complex. It’s important to remember that the whole person shows up at work. The head, the heart and the briefcase.

When you think about evaluating someone to determine where they will be most effective in an organization, leaders and hiring managers are very quick to look at the knowledge, skills and experience someone brings to the job. This model represents that as the briefcase. We typically look at someone’s resume to find out about these things, and we dig a bit further in an in-person interview. The briefcase changes over time based upon what skills and experience a person gains.


The heart represents things like values and interests that someone has. What are they passionate about? Will they be a good fit for our company culture? The heart is fluid because it is impacted by things that change over the course of a person’s life and career. Organizations may or may not spend time understanding the heart in interviews or throughout their career.


The head represents a person’s innate drives and cognitive abilities. These things tend to remain stable once someone matures. Your behavioral drives and the rate at which you learn new things stay constant. And this is where The Predictive Index can provide data to help you evaluate these critical aspects of a person.


You can find out about those things using two assessments offered by The Predictive Index. The PI Behavioral Assessment measures behavioral drives, and the PI Cognitive Assessment measures cognitive ability. The combination of the two provides valuable data and insight that can help to predict someone’s behavior. When used together, these two assessments are powerful indicators of job success – in fact, research shows that the combination of the two increases predictability of success in role by more than 60%.[/modal_popup_box]

“Using benchmarks set in Predictive Index (PI) and the candidates’ own PI results, we create a model to help our client’s diverse executive teams easily navigate and then measure the interviews.”